Sonia Begum, a 22-year-old resident of Galachipa Upazila Sadar Union in Patuakhali district, is making significant progress in overcoming the poverty that has troubled her family for years. Born into a struggling household, Sonia’s educational journey was cut short when she was married off to Mahabub Hossen at a young age, after completing her studies up to the fifth grade. Her husband usually farms other people’s land and occasionally drives a van.
Sonia’s determination to develop a better future for herself and her family led her to participate in the WAVE Foundation’s Prosperity Project, supported by PKSF, in 2020. By becoming a member of the Golap Prosperity Village Committee’, she steps towards a journey of empowerment and skill development. Inspired by discussions within the committee on modern agricultural practices, Sonia decided to venture into vegetable cultivation. With support from the project’s technical team, she underwent a two-day skill development training on safe vegetable cultivation. Subsequently, Sonia received a grant of BDT 10,000 from the 2021-22 fiscal year budget, which she utilized to kick-start her venture.
Later Sonia secured a loan of BDT 60,000 from WAVE Foundation and leased 40 decimals of land for cultivation alongside the grant. She and her husband diligently worked together and implemented best practices in land preparation, bed making, seedling construction, and organic pest management with support from the project’s technical team. Their efforts paid off as Sonia’s vegetable farming business prospered. During the last Kharif-2 season, she made approximately BDT 35,000 profit followed by BDT 50,000 during the Robi season from winter vegetables. Currently, cucumber, brinjal, sweet potato and water spinach are being cultivated. She expects a profit of 40-50 thousand BDT this season.
Currently, there is a high demand for vegetables in the country and good prices are available. Sonia believes that by cultivating vegetables, they can break the cycle of poverty and achieve success. “I may not have had the opportunity to educate myself, but I have a strong desire to ensure that my son receives a good education and becomes a successful person. I am grateful for the knowledge, funding, and technical support that the WAVE Foundation’s Prosperity Project has provided me with throughout my journey,” Sonia confidently stated.