“One year ago, we were stranded due to the severe cyclonic storm ‘YAAS’. In this area, we are used to facing high tides, storms, and floods on a daily basis, which often leaves us feeling helpless”, Ruma Akter (35), a member of the Rangashree Union, shares her haunting experiences of past disasters. “Now we know how to reduce the risks of such disasters.” she added with a glow in her eyes.

Rangashree Union is one of the 14 Unions in the Bakerganj Upazila of the Barisal District. It is surrounded by the Tulatuli River on the east and the Bishkhali River on the west and is connected by numerous canals. WAVE Foundation has been implementing different activities in the union with the help of the ‘Asia Community Disaster Preparedness & Transformation (ACT)’ project of Oxfam Bangladesh. The main objective of this project is to reduce the risk factors of disasters and increase awareness among the local people, considering their vulnerability to natural calamities.

Despite facing frequent natural disasters for years, unfortunately, there was no committee on disaster management in the Rangashree Union before the ACT project began there. To promote collective understanding and preparedness, the ACT project organized a one-day training on ‘Standing Orders on Disaster’ for concerned people in the union. As a result, the training helped the people of Rangashree Union to realize the urgency of forming a ‘Disaster Management Committee.’ Following this realization, they formed an inclusive committee that includes representation from the youth, elderly people, women from vulnerable areas, and marginalized people.

The Rangashree UDMC committee started its journey with a one-day training on ‘Disaster Management’. Since then, the committee has been actively working to raise community awareness on managing disasters. They use various methods like warning signals, assisting people to go to cyclone centers, and creating awareness through different initiatives. Additionally, the committee holds regular meetings to discuss dealing with disaster risks. They have installed billboards and posted awareness posters in important places throughout the area. Every day, hundreds of people come across these billboards and posters and receive important awareness messages.

Due to the relentless efforts of the UDMC, the Rangashree Union has become a benchmark for disaster management. Bashir Uddin, the President of Rangashree UDMC, stated, “The ACT project assisted them in forming a committee, which made them more committed to their responsibilities during a disaster.”  “We will continue to work proactively to handle any disaster that arises,” he vowed.

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