Microfinance Program
Enhance the socio-economic condition of the poor and middle-class population through financing and developing entrepreneurial skills among the potential.
The Program is designed to promote inclusive economic growth, with a focus on the demands and requirements of the rural and urban middle class as well as underprivileged groups in society. It is difficult for underprivileged and marginalized groups to obtain collateral-free loans due to the low supply of capital or credit in the informal sector, especially without microcredit support. In response to these concerns, WAVE’s numerous interventions are strategically structured to enhance economic engagement and foster financial independence through a comprehensive approach encompassing diversified loan products, capital injection, savings schemes along with extensive outreach initiatives aimed at maximizing coverage and inclusivity. The objective is to enhance the socio-economic condition of the poor and middle-class population through financing and developing entrepreneurial skills among the potential. The agriculture sector and MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises) have emerged as pivotal pillars within the program, constituting a significant portion of the annual loan disbursement. Moreover, entrepreneurs emerging from our vocational training program receive startup capital from WAVE to launch and sustain their enterprises. In essence, this program intends to support and uplift the aspiring entrepreneurs in their pursuit of creating self and wage based employments. Additionally, WAVE’s micro-insurance service has enabled households to safeguard their finances and cope with immediate financial shocks. WAVE has embraced a comprehensive and integrated strategy for digitalization by adopting a fully Automated System to streamline operations and digitize documentation & transaction through integrating digital record-keeping systems and Fitch solutions. Operating across both rural and urban landscapes, WAVE Foundation’s expansive network comprises 139 branch offices, 27 Area Offices and 9 Regional Offices in 18 Districts (Dhaka, Narayanganj, Manikganj, Munshiganj, Rajbari, Barisal, Barguna, Patuakhali, Pabna, Natore, Rajshahi, Jashore, Khulna, Jhenaidah, Magura, Chuadanga, Kushtia and Meherpur) under 4 Division namely Khulna, Barisal, Rajshahi and Dhaka.; which are strategically positioned to ensure accessibility and outreach.
Operating across both rural and urban landscapes, WAVE Foundation’s expansive network comprises 139 branch offices, 27 Area Offices and 9 Regional Offices in 18 Districts (Dhaka, Narayanganj, Manikganj, Munshiganj, Rajbari, Barisal, Barguna, Patuakhali, Pabna, Natore, Rajshahi, Jashore, Khulna, Jhenaidah, Magura, Chuadanga, Kushtia and Meherpur) under 4 Division namely Khulna, Barisal, Rajshahi and Dhaka.; which are strategically positioned to ensure accessibility and outreach.
Financial Products and Services
WAVE Foundation extends a comprehensive array of financial solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of its program participants. Our major loan products encompass General Microcredit, Microenterprise Loan and Microcredit for Extreme Poor People; each meticulously designed to address specific socioeconomic challenges faced by our beneficiaries. Complementing these primary offerings are our supplementary loan products, which are Seasonal Agriculture Loan (Crop, Horticulture, Livestock and Fisheries), Water and Sanitation Loan, Housing Loan, Disaster Management Loan etc. These supplementary offerings serve to provide targeted support and address niche requirements, ensuring a holistic approach to financial inclusion and empowerment.
Major Products | Supplementary Loan Products | ||
1) General Microcredit |
Seasonal/Agriculture Loan | ||
2) Micro Entrepreneurship |
WASH Loan | ||
3) Microcredit for Ultra Poor |
Housing Loan | ||
Livelihood Restoration Loan etc |
Major Loan Products
1. General Microcredit
The loan is intended to allow rural and urban poor households to finance their economic & non-economic activities and build a strong capital base. This Loan ranges from BDT 10,000 to BDT 95,000/-, depending on the economic activity, the borrower’s management capacity, and demand for the product and/or services. With a strategic focus on inclusivity and sustainability, WAVE also provide the necessary support and guidance to ensure the effective utilization of the loans. Through capacity-building initiatives, we aim to empower our program participants to leverage microcredit as a catalyst for economic growth, social upliftment, and the attainment of long-term financial stability.
2. Micro Enterprise Loan
This loan has been developed for the entrepreneurs capable of graduating from groups, as well as entrepreneurs in the community in rural & urban areas. ME loans significantly contribute to self-employment and wage employment opportunities. WAVE ME loan ranges from BDT 1,00,000 – BDT 6,000,000/-. In order to have a comprehensive impact on the lives and livelihood of the entrepreneurs, this program also imparts business development skill training and facilitates market linkage for the products produced by entrepreneurs through market system inclusion. Components under this activity are as follow:
- Business Development Skills: Comprehensive business development skills are offered to both, graduated members of Microfinance Program as well as existing entrepreneurs who are operating their business in conventional fashion but wants to upgrade their ventures. Both training and consultancy support are offered.
- Financing: WAVE currently offers maximum BDT 10 lakh of loan support to the entrepreneurs.
- Market Linkage: Entrepreneurs get market linkage support to make their business more competitive and viable.
Microcredit for Ultra Poor: This loan has been developed to provide flexible microcredit to the extreme poor people. The loan is to support the extreme poor people in such a way that they become capable of creating sustainable income opportunities. Loan ranges from BDT 10,000 – BDT 40,000/. The main objective is to support the extreme-poor people in such a way so that they become capable of creating sustainable income opportunities and human dignity as well as they can lift them out of extreme poverty. In addition to the financial services, WAVE also provides different non-financial services such as:
- Primary health care,
- Technical services for implementing income-generating activities,
- Capacity-building support at the time of disaster,
- Training and awareness building on nutrition and social issues etc.
Supplementary Loan Products
a) Seasonal/Agriculture Loan: The loan is exclusively for different IGAs such as crop cultivation and processing, livestock, fisheries, agro-forestry, agro-processing, etc. It offers comprehensive training program, input supply and technology transfer to the farmers. Seasonal loans of BDT 10,000 – BDT 60,000/- are given for six Months, repayable in 1 installment. The provisions of the loan repayment are based on the crop and livestock product cycle. The single installment after the sale of the product has made it very popular among borrowers, especially those engaged in beef fattening and crop cultivation.
Agriculture Credit offers a comprehensive training program for the farmers. To make a sustainable impact special emphasis is given to ensuring quality input supply and technology transfer to the farmer level as well as establishing market linkage. Adequate attention is given to research, development of high-yielding seeds, management of irrigation, mechanized and technology-based farming, and vocational education to farmers. WAVE’s Social Enterprises- Angkur Seeds and Angkur Agro Machineries have been working as complementary forces to achieve the desired objective of this program. Components under Agriculture Credit are following below:
- Finance: The crucial importance of finance is addressed based on the flexibility and needs of the farmers in accordance with the crop calendar and harvesting period.
- Skills Development Training: Skill development trainings on crop, livestock and fisheries are provided to enhance the capacity of the farmers. Accordingly, field day is observed and demonstrations are set.
- Input Supply and Technology Transfer: Quality input and technologies are prerequisite for development of agriculture sector. Proven agro-technologies are transferred to the farmers in collaboration with the Department of Agricultural Extension-DAE.
a. WASH Loan: The loan is designed to address the pressing need for improved health and hygiene conditions within the borrower’s household. By providing financial support for the establishment of safe drinking water facilities and sanitation infrastructure, such as toilets, tube well or hand-washing stations, the WASH loan directly contributes to mitigating the risk of waterborne diseases and promoting a culture of hygiene consciousness and sustainable health practices within communities. WASH Loan range from BDT 10,000 to BDT 100,000/-, depending on the demand for the product and/or services, borrower’s income source and management capacity.
b. Housing Loan: With the support of Bangladesh Bank and PKSF, WAVE extends both financial and technical support to enable borrowers to improve their housing conditions significantly. Ranging from BDT 100,000 to BDT 400,000/- these loans empower individuals to invest in essential housing improvements such as repairs, renovations, or even the construction of new dwellings.
c. Housing Loan: With the support of Bangladesh Bank and PKSF, WAVE extends both financial and technical support to enable borrowers to improve their housing conditions significantly. Ranging from BDT 100,000 to BDT 400,000/- these loans empower individuals to invest in essential housing improvements such as repairs, renovations, or even the construction of new dwellings.
d. Livelihood Restoration Loan: This loan has been provided to create self-employment opportunities and restore the pandemic-stricken economic activities of agriculture and agro related rural entrepreneurs. LRL Loan ranges from BDT 30,000 – BDT 50,000/-
Members Savings Program
Members Savings Scheme is a fundamental component of microfinance program, aiming to foster financial inclusion and empower members to take control of their finances, build assets, and improve their overall economic well-being. The program also offers financial literacy training and capacity-building initiatives, equipping members with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed financial decisions, manage their resources effectively, and plan for the future.
WAVE offers 3 types of Savings Products: Regular Savings, Voluntary Savings and Security Savings.
- Regular Savings: This provides a structured approach to savings, with members required to save a minimum amount ranging from BDT 100 to 500 per month, earning a competitive 6% interest per annum on their deposits.
- Voluntary Savings: It offers flexibility, allowing members to save any desired amount beyond their compulsory savings, also earning a 6% interest per annum.
- Security Savings: This is a long-term savings scheme where monthly installment deposit starts from BDT. 500/- & above at 6% interest rate. This long-term savings scheme provides members with the assurance of steady growth, culminating in the doubling of their deposit amount after a dedicated period of 10 years.
Micro Insurance
WAVE Foundation has integrated an inclusive Insurance Scheme with its credit programs, ensuring comprehensive financial protection for program participants. All the members of microfinance program automatically become beneficiaries of insurance scheme of WAVE Foundation. This service has enabled households safeguard their finances and cope with immediate financial shocks in the event of a death of an earning family member. Each members deposit insurance premium at a rate of 0.7% of loans (ultra-poor @ 0.50%), while borrowers availing livestock insurance are required to deposit a premium at a rate of 1% of the loan amount. Each borrower has a nominee (his/her spouse/father), if the borrower or first guarantor dies; the outstanding amount of the current loan is waved. Besides these, the nominee of the insured receives a funeral cash benefit of up to BDT 5,000/- if the borrower expires.
The products of micro insurance are:
■ Microfinance Insurance
■ Livestock Insurance
■ Health Insurance
■ Life Insurance
Projects & Activities
Recovery and Advancement of Informal Sector Employment (RAISE) Project
In the aim of ensuring sustainable employment, the project is dedicated to increasing the capacity and productivity of micro-entrepreneurs who are existing beneficiaries under the community finance program of WAVE Foundation. Youth from poor, marginalized, and ethnic communities in urban and peri-urban areas in Bangladesh are covered under this project. It engages youth from low-income families and provides occupational-based training as an apprenticeship. This project has been designed to train a total of 3167 individuals which includes 1000 entrepreneurs who have been affected by Covid-19, 300 young entrepreneurs, 214 unskilled youth, and 105 skilled and experienced Master Craft Persons. It provides Risk Management Training to the existing entrepreneurs who have been affected by Covid-19 and Business Management, Risk Management, and Occupational Training to young and rising entrepreneurs who also need inclusive financing. The project has selected 105 skilled and experienced Master Craft Persons and oriented them to ensure the apprenticeship program is more effective. Furthermore, almost 500 unskilled youth who dropped out of education and belong to low-income families have been enrolled in apprenticeship training under the guidance of 105 Master Craft Persons in 7 demandable trades. As of now, a total of BDT 24.68 Crore loan has been disbursed among 1848 micro-entrepreneurs. This project is being supported by PKSF and the World Bank. WAVE Foundation has been implementing this project through its 27-unit offices in 12 districts across the country.
Skill for Employment Investment Program-SEIP
The project is designed to promote entrepreneurship in the Cottage, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (CMSMEs) sector, as well as to foster a skilled workforce through skills training. The project is aimed at developing human resources that align with market needs. Upon completion of the training, the project ensures that individuals secure more productive wage-based employment or self-employment, thereby improving their financial capacity and quality of life, and ultimately establishing their human dignity and that of their family. The project offers a 3-month residential Competency Based Training (CBT) program in various fields such as Graphic Design, Fashion Garments, Mobile Phone Servicing, and Electrical Installations and Maintenance. The certified participants receive job placement assistance, either in wage-based employment or self-employment. So far, a total of 820 youths have received training in Fashion Garments, 750 youths in Mobile Phone Servicing, 175 youths in Electrical Installation and Maintenance, and 225 youths in Graphic Design. Additionally, BDT 1,11,00,000/- has been disbursed as startup capital among 107 entrepreneurs. Among the participants, 34 physically challenged and 103 ethnic participants were trained in various courses. The total job placement for the certified participants is 1408, out of which 422 are in wage employment and 986 are self-employed. The monthly earnings of the participants range from BDT 3,000 to BDT 60,000 on average.The project is implemented by WAVE through its trade training center in Darsana, Chuadanga, with its own funds and support from PKSF.
BD Rural WASH for HCD Project
The project has been undertaken with the aim of improving access to ‘safely-managed’ water supply and sanitation in the project areas and strengthening sector institutional capacity for water and sanitation. The project has adopted a demand-driven strategy to promote hygienic toilets & water supply systems by using lending instruments such as credit facilities along with incentives and conducting Behavior Change Communication (BCC) campaign on WASH that seeks to promote healthy living among the people by improving knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene. The project activities focus on providing training and financial assistance to the Local Entrepreneurs (LE) for developing water and sanitation market system; extending financial and technical services for constructing hygienic toilets and safely managed water supply system at the household level; awareness raising and influencing the community to invest in WASH infrastructure for a better quality of life. The project is being implemented in 8 Upazilas under 5 Districts namely Manikganj, Jhenaidah, Magura, Pabna and Patuakhali through WAVE’s 16 Branch Offices. WAVE is implementing this project from July, 2023 with the financial and technical support from Government of Bangladesh, World Bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) through PKSF.
Accelerating Sustainable Water and Sanitation Facilities for All-ACCESS
Accelerating Sustainable Water and Sanitation Facilities for All-ACCESS project, supported by Water.org, represents a concerted effort to address critical water and sanitation challenges in targeted communities, focusing on improving the accessibility of affordable water and sanitation services, increasing awareness and fostering capacity-building across communities. The objectives are to provide access to safe water and improved sanitation system and encourage the adoption of good hygiene practices; to support and uplift Local WASH Entrepreneurs though financing; to integrate climate resilient WASH product and to promote sustainable Green WASH market aiming for increased water and sanitation coverage by communicating with concerned stakeholders. The project is being implemented in 14 Districts under 4 Divisions through WAVE’s 127 Branch Offices. WAVE is implementing this project from April, 2024 with the target of disbursing BDT 500 Million for 25200 Water Product and BDT 1400 Million along with technical assistance for 46800 Sanitation Product installation at the household level by 2027.