Go Green is a program and movement spearheaded by the notable development organization WAVE Foundation and its affiliated Youth Assembly. Certain components of this program have been aligned and blended with other organizational programs over a long period. As a stand-alone program, Go Green is already putting all these components’ value addition into practice. On a nationwide scale, ‘Campaign’ and ‘Policy Advocacy’ are conducted to raise public awareness on various issues of this program. The program is connected as a cross-cutting issue to the other initiatives and endeavours of the organization. Green symbolises the natural world, encompassing the weather, climate, and all of the natural resources that surround us, such as trees, crops, fruits, water bodies, fauna, etc. Our everyday lives and economic activities are greatly impacted by each of these natural and environmental components. Notably, the color green symbolises youth and our national flag is predominantly green. The Go Green focuses mainly on Eco-friendly and Safe issues and Technologies. The core components of this program are (1) Agroecology and Safe Food; (2) Climate Action and Addressing Pollution and (3) Safe Water, Hygienic Sanitation, and Personal Hygiene/WASH. This program urges individuals, families, societies/communities, and institutions to adopt a “Green Lifestyle.
GO GREEN is a program and movement that urges individuals, families, societies, communities, and institutions to adopt a Green Lifestyle

Agroecology and Safe Food

Climate Action and Addressing Pollution

Safe Water, Hygienic Sanitation and Personal Hygiene/ WASH
Agroecology and Safe Food
Even though Bangladesh is self-sufficient in food production, obtaining ‘safe food’ has become a big concern due to the overuse of chemical/synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. It is time to change the current paradigm by incorporating agroecological approaches into our agricultural production. Agroecology is a scientific discipline that aims to establish local sustainable agricultural production by utilizing indigenous resources including trees, birds, animals, insects, and microbes, while also integrating customs and knowledge from the local area. Producing food that is healthy, safe, and free of chemicals is its main objective. Agroecology also acts as a means of restoring and consolidating biodiversity. This strategy reduces environmental and economic concerns, such as pesticide misuse, crop loss, and the impact of climate change, by encouraging positive outcomes on land, soil, and long-term crop yield. Consistent with the principles of agroecology, the circular economy places a strong focus on managing water and waste as well as ensuring food safety. In every facet of food production, the Go Green program’s agroecological practices prioritize waste reduction, reuse, and recycling (the creation of organic manure from dung and the quick composting of rice husk and paddy straw).
Climate Action and Addressing Pollution
Climate change is an urgent global issue that requires rapid attention. Bangladesh is the world’s seventh most vulnerable country to climate change, according to global data. According to World Bank projections, the effects of climate change may internally displace 13.3 million Bangladeshis by 2050. Go Green program focuses more on adaptation and mitigation techniques to mitigate climate risks. Adaptation entails employing adaptable techniques to reduce the negative effects of climate change on the lives and livelihoods of target groups. For example, increasing the production of salt-tolerant in coastal areas and drought-resistant crops in drought prone areas to reduce the negative effects of climate change. Conversely, mitigation is a widely accepted strategy that reduces the risk of climate change through a variety of actions. In recent years, numerous countries, especially those in Europe and America, have produced greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide due to the excessive use of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas. As a result, Bangladesh has been experiencing unusually high temperatures in numerous locations. Using solar energy, biogas, planting trees, and other sustainable methods are examples of mitigation measures that decrease carbon emissions. The Go Green program is undertaking various initiatives to address agricultural production challenges in drought-prone areas, including efforts to prevent pollution such as plastic waste and mitigate the impacts of excessive heat waves.
Safe Water, Hygienic Sanitation, And Personal Hygiene/WASH
A large percentage of the world’s population is at risk of getting several diseases and illnesses due to a lack of access to safe water and sanitary facilities. There are increased challenges, particularly for women and children. It is crucial to work carefully with safe water, hygienic sanitation, and personal hygiene in this situation. The term “safe water” describes the regular use and consumption of safe water, which is crucial for preserving health and preventing illness. Conversely, proper sanitary facilities and efficient waste management are synonymous with good sanitation. Regular hand washing, eating safe food, and maintaining general cleanliness are all considered aspects of personal hygiene. The Go Green program encourages compliance with personal hygiene standards to ensure everyone can access safe water and hygienic sanitation. This includes initiatives like tube well installation, rainwater collection, arsenic testing of water sources, and community-level sanitation improvements.
Go Green Center
Go Green Center
Go Green Center is located on 4.05 hectares of land in Koshaghata village, just 5 km from Sadar Upazila in the Chuadanga district of southwestern Bangladesh. The Center has been actively encouraging agroecological practices, empowering farmers to embrace sustainable methods that protect our environment and foster healthier communities and resilient ecosystems. In 2001, WAVE began soil restoration efforts by removing degraded topsoil to improve soil fertility at this location. The Centre for Development and Capacity (CDC) was established as the Integrated Agriculture Unit, which focuses on crops, livestock, and fisheries in 2010. Over the years, it provided technical support, training, and promoted safe agricultural practices. In 2024, CDC was renamed Go Green Center, and gradually it shifted its focus towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, implementing agroecology initiatives. Go Green Center is dedicated to becoming a Model Agroecology Learning Hub in the country. It includes the following components:
– On Farm Training Center
-Black Bengal Goat Breeding Farm
-Agriculture Demonstration Plot
-Fisheries Demonstration Farm
-Integrated Agriculture Unit (Crop, Livestock and Fisheries)
-Dumba Breeding Farm
-Seed Preservation Store