WAVE Training Center
WAVE Foundation has incorporated training as an integral part of all programs to develop human resources including staff, partners, beneficiaries and other stakeholders. It has own training centers in Chuadanga equipped with all the necessary and modern supports, including accommodation facilities. WAVE also offers various need-based training courses for other NGOs and non-project participants through the training centers. WAVE has deployed appropriate, qualified, and professional training staff to the center. Apart from this, WAVE has a Pool of Resource Persons to conduct various training sessions. Senior Management Team Members, Program/Project Coordinators and Deputy Program/Project Coordinators of various programs/projects, Head of Finance & Administration, Head of Internal Audit, Head of Monitoring Division, etc. of WAVE belong to the Pool of Resource Persons. Some external reputed persons of various organizations and local government expert individuals also belong to the Pool of Resource Persons who conduct various training sessions on a need basis. Besides, Deputy Commissioners, Additional Deputy Commissions (both General & Revenue), Deputy Directors of Local Government (DDLG), Upazilla Nirbahi Officers and Upazilla level Departmental Heads (Health, Agriculture, Education, etc.) are also invited as Guest Facilitators for the relevant sessions.