


The poor with no secured source of earning or access to capital are caught up in a cycle of perpetual poverty. Through Microfinance Program WAVE provides them with capital and skills so they can start a business or become an entrepreneur.

Where to Reach

WAVE has designed its Microfinance Program with a view to support the moderate and extreme poor in both urban and rural areas climb out of poverty.The program has two specific objectives:

  Providing financial and technical support to small scale income generating   endeavors of the extreme poor and moderate poor people;

  Bringing qualitative change in the lives of the targeted people by integrating health, education, housing, sanitation, micro-insurance services and awareness-raising activities on various social issues.


Microfinance program has been working to achieve its goals through a number of components. They include Savings, Micro-credit, Credit for extreme poor, Housing loan, WASH loan and Micro-insurance. Through financing WAVE intends to develop farming and off-farming enterprises. WAVE is also in the process of developing health and education services for its program participants.



Facilitating the community with Savings services including General Savings and Security Savings in rural and urban areas through its 115 branch offices.


WASH Loan aims at a behavioralchange of the community people through promoting safe drinking water and sanitation practices; developing and enhancing the capacity of the sanitation entrepreneurs to ensure the availability of water and sanitation products; providing the targeted community with affordable financial support for tube-well & sanitary latrine installation and making the marketlinkage.


Serving Micro-Credit with the financial support from PKSF and commercial banks at community both rural and urban area. The products of microcredit are a) General Microcredit; b)Micro Entrepreneurship; c)Microcredit for Ultra Poor and d) Agriculture Credit.


Housing loan hashelped many people in a working area to build their own home which was once their dream. The long-term housing loan at low interest-rate has been contributing significantly to rehabilitate homeless poor people.


WAVE’s ‘Credit for Extreme Poor’ is to support through different non-financial services like primary health care, technical services alongside capacity building support at the time of disaster, training, awareness building on nutrition and social issues for creating sustainable income opportunities and human dignity as well as they can lift out of extreme poverty.


Micro Insurance  services including Microfinance Insurance, Livestock Insurance, Crop Insurance, Health Insurance and Life Insurance in both rural and urban areas through its 91 branch offices with the


health services are as exclusive features of  Satellite Clinic at the community level, Static Clinic at the office level, Door to door service for maternal and neonatal health and  Special Camp on various health issues.


Focusing on kids for following  services like  Pre-primary Schooling, School-supportive Education  and Education Stipend for program participants’ Kids


Major Product
  • General Microcredit
  • Micro Entrepreneurship
  • Microcredit for Ultra Poor
  • Agriculture Credit
Supplementary Loan Product
  • Seasonal loan
  • WASH Loan
  • Disaster Management loan
Specialized Loan Product
  • Black Bengal Goat Rearing loan
  • Spices Cultivation Loan
  • Sheep Rearing loan
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